Stalked By A Cyber Bullying Mummy Blogger

So, for some time now I’ve been on the receiving end of a little cyber bullying. You may see this as strange as this blogger hasn’t been blogging like she once did however, this hasn’t stopped my stalking cyber bully… Oh no! This sad individual makes it their mission to comment on every post I write, whether on here or my long running blog ‘A boy with Aspergers’ At first I thought it was your average Internet nut job with nothing better to do, but soon I realised that it was more than that! This fruit the loop was actually calling me by my name and while abusing me and taking the total piss out of anything I’d written they would also throw in a little remark related to something other than that of my writing but my parenting, kids, home life and whatever else took their fancy.

This person was actually targeting me! Writing on both blogs and then messaging me from a fake Facebook account. Was this someone I bloody knew?

None of the sickly nasty comments left were ever published (other than one or two that slipped through the net) well you’d have thought that would deter them! They would have no idea if I was evening getting them let alone reading them before trashing them! But no! This person just kept banging on about my talentless self and get this… My “Fucked Up” kids.

Did I feel downhearted about it? I mean did I truly feel bullied as such. Listen I’ve read some nasty stuff and although it may slightly annoying me its never bothered me all that much. However, when this person started referring to my recent spout of depression, it got me wondering.. “Just how messed up is this person?” I wasn’t scared even though they claimed to know where I lived and how they were going to rearrange that face of mine I was just getting a little hacked off with the nutter and started wondering who the hell this prat was!

Then over the past few weeks the messed up stalking cyber bully got a little sloppy. A number of things they wrote referred to certain blogging events, certain dates that when I looked in my diary showed that I was attending some kind of PR event or another on such day. Looking back through past messages some of what they wrote suddenly helped the lightbulb in my head go ping.

No, I still didn’t no who it was, and yes I guess whoever it is is sat reading this now! What I was now 100% on was this person only knew me through the world of blogging… This person was actually a Mummy Blogger! Can I be sure? Yes I’m 100% and wouldn’t be writing this if I wasn’t! Put it this way. This person knew things about me and my whereabouts that I hadn’t wrote or tweeted about. Events I hadn’t made it too or upcoming events I was planing on attending that only those invited would no about.This sicko mentioned Britmums at least twice and referred to my tots100 ranking considerable amounts of times… I don’t no anyone but mummy bloggers to discuss the working of the tots100 rankings… do you?

Lately, I’ve been getting back on my feet. I never thought I’d see the day when I blogged so little. My page rank and states mean nothing and I find it hard to see how I spent so much time on the blog without going a little braking mad a long time ago. But one thing I have missed is the tight knit blogging community that no matter how much time I’ve hide away always bring a smile to my face when I return. To think that within that community their is one person, someone who has made it their mission to continuously try to chip away at me is a part of that makes me wonder… Who really can we put our trust in when online. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve met loads of bloggers who I would now call a friend but it does highlight the fact that behind a smile could lay evil, that or an individual with such low self esteem and confidence that behind closed doors out steps a cyber nutter out to get the world.

Whoever you are, you can once more comment telling me I’m a talentless tramp with a mentally ill head case son… A mum who could do with some parenting lessons and a care plan too! You can once more trail through this post and highlight any spelling or grammar mistakes (god you know you love doing that) You can even enlist your ten facts on why I should drop dead just like you have done for the past few weeks and yes, I’ll promise you I will read them… How’s that? But what I will tell you is that when I do I’ll only be thinking off you and how sad and lonely you must be! I’ll continue to simply feel sorry for you and that I’d that.

Cyber Bully Can I even call you that? Sad lonely nobody? Now isn’t that a catch?

So my friends in the world of blogging, beware there is a cyber nut about.

5 thoughts on “Stalked By A Cyber Bullying Mummy Blogger

  1. limey that sounds a bit horrendous!! and actually a little scary if it is a blogger………your right to take the attitude you do, don’t let it stop or change what you do with your writing or your blog or you as a person!! Sends virtual hugs and a glass of wine 🙂

  2. Oh my goodness! And this is a grown woman doing this to you!? What the hell is wrong with people? I know it’s easier said than done but just ignore it, act like it’s not getting to you, blog and connect like normal and they’ll move on as they will know it’s not bothering you. *hugs*

  3. What a sad individual…..Maybe they find your life more interesting then there’s….
    It’s so wrong that a ‘mummy blogger’ could be so nasty!! Are parents not supposed to set an example to their children….What sort of example is this bully showing!!

    Did you know even threatening someone via a blog is against the law!!…..I’ve had some issues with a certain person I know personally trying to get to me through my blog (the person isn’t a blogger by the way)….They thought they were clever just threatening me via a blog they thought that police only investigate Facebook & Emails….I’ve spoken to the police and they could of been arrested instantly!! I made do with sending them a lovely letter from my solicitor and it’s put a stop to it….If they carried on they would be arrested!!

    Hang on in there! Hugs x

  4. I can’t believe that someone within the “mummy blogger” community can do this, and frankly it’s quite frightening. They clearly have issues, more so with themselves if they feel the need to harass others in such a manner.

    You’ve taken a good attitude. People like that are nothing but sad, pathetic and jealous. Xx

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