The Questions & Answers Meme

I’ve been tagged by a few bloggers to answer this fab Questions & Answers Meme. Luckily for me I have the two blogs so can post one on each.

I was tagged by the Lovely Lou over at Bloggomy. Lou is one of the first bloggers I really connected with. I really enjoy meeting her at any blogging events that occur and hope to catch up at Britmums Live.

Here’s Lou’s 11 questions that I’m to answer….

1) What did you want to be as a child when you grew up? I wanted to be a pilot, probably because I’d never been on a plan and spent a lot of time wishing I could. Well, that was in till I finally did! Age 17 off to work in Greece and the worst flight ever! I never thought it was possible for a plan to bounce up and down 32,000 feet in the air… needless to say, my dream job was no more! However, I then wanted to be a police women, something I still think about today (running over a load of yobs, though kinda put me off).

2) Can you bend forward and touch your toes with your legs straight (I can!!) Of course I can Lou, so sadly you’re not the only one (said with huge grin upon face)! 

3) What is your most annoying habit? I’m flawless me, how can I be annoying… seriously! If you was to ask the man in my life, he would say it was my ability to forget things, such as, the running bath or the bread in the toaster. I blame my last pregnancy… pre-baby brain has never returned!

4) What habit would you change of your partners? (come on no-one is perfect!) He loves to read and often thinks because he finds his book interesting the rest of the world will too (mainly me)! With this he takes it upon himself to read aloud, sadly none of it has processed, so I just sit nodding (the life of the underworld, and no that’s not under the sea I’m referring to, is so… not my thing)! 

5) Horrors or Chick Flicks? Horrors every time, though I have the tendency to end up so scared that I spend the night unable to use the loo, and I hear these isn’t a good thing for a lady!

6) What is the most outrageous thing you have done in the back row of the movies? Fallen asleep… Seriously, I’m a good girl!

7) If you had the house childfree what is the first thing you and your partner would do (we would lock the doors – only joking)! Probably go to bed, but this isn’t for the reason’s most would think (Lou you have a dirty mind). Sleep is precious in this house and comes in short supply!

Blnguyen sleep

Image via Wikipedia

8) Have you ever lied to get a job? No, I just wish I was in the position to get a job let alone lie to get one! Still volunteering and blogging keeps my brain healthy.

9) What one thing is on your list to do before you hit 30, 40, 50 or whatever significant birthday is next? I’m actually going to be 30 the beginning of April (Goodness, where does the time go)? It would actually be great to do something as simple as having a night out with the girls, I feel like most of my 20’s have consisted of early nights that still don’t result in me getting much, if any sleep! 

10) Classic or modern films and why? It’s both for me, I love films like Breakfast at tiffany’s then those later films like Greece and dirty dancing (not forgetting Bob, sue and Rita too… “I’m having a gang-bang, I’m having a ball” (those who haven’t seen the film are now thinking I’m a bit of a dirty one)! I love all the Saw films and I am a huge fan of “Transporter” (though Jason Strathamhas a hell of a lot to do with it)!

Jason Statham at the 2006 San Diego Comic-Con ...

Image via Wikipedia

11) If you were a vampire who would be the first person you would bite? Wow, what a question! Can I ask, have you been watching my favourite show… “Being Human”? I’m a massive fan of vampires and think it would be rather cool to be one if they existed! I would probably bite Jason Stratham himself, only because he would probably taste good & make an incredibly sexy vampire to have at my side. 

Part 2 – My 11 questions

1) If you had the power to make one thing better, what would it be?

2) What makes a great blog?

3) What was the inspiration that brought your blog to the blogosphere?

4) SHAM or Working mum?

5) Favourite blog post that you have read over the last week?

6) What easily ticks you off (puts you in a bad mood quickly)?

7) How many children do you have?

8) Is there anything you have ever regretted writing on your blog?

9) What’s your favourite blog post you have written this year so far.

10) Do you ever enter other bloggers competitions, and have you ever been lucky?

11) What was your last blog post about?

Part 3… who I’m taking to answer the above

1) @coombmill, 2) @baggiesbabe69 3) @More_than_a 4) TiredmummyofTwo 5) @HelpfulMum 6) @mummydaddyme 7) @emmys_mummy 8) @MummyBarrow 9) @kykaree 10) @nurturestore 11) @yummymumto2